Well...made it home from transfers alright and things are looking great in Sanbon!!
My new comp is sister 이윤지 (EE-YOON-JI) She’s my same age....korean....but went to BYU-HAWAII for 21/2 years so she’s fluent in english—She’s waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay fun and funny and we’re already waaaay more comfortable than me and sis j after 2 months together! She kinda has that hawaiian personality now...everything is cool...laid back...fun....its just whatever man.... haha
So maybe its a little bad that she’s fluent in both languages because she never speaks korean to me (i’m working on that...reminding her every 5 minutes!! she maybe has a bit of a short attention span) and she can speak korean to everyone else. But...i know the area and the lessons and investigators and whatnot so i get to lead out in all of that.
I think it will be a great two transfers—probably our biggest problem will be having too much fun together and not focusing. haha she reminds me of thelma lou’s personality (yes our newfy...) just happy and goofy and all over the place hahahah. oh and the craziest part.....her older sister was sister jeong’s trainer. yep....so her older sister opened sanbon for sisters with sister joeng.....trained sis j for 2 months, then sister j trained me, now i’m training the younger sister!!! (and the older sister is sis dorman’s trainer...my mtc comp...its such a small world here!))
AND the new Sanbon elders are AWESOME!!!
One is a greenie....fresh off the plane...and his trainer is Elder Andersen who is an awesome missionary!! I told him he was actually training all 3 of us “greenies” here in sanbon... ^^
Since the elders are opening in sanbon...they don’t have area books or any info on the area...so we’ve been with them at the church everyday this week going over the books together...talking about members the area....everything. They’ve been in Bear-Grylls mode because they had to use their missionary money to buy fans (or you can’t sleep at night) AND their new apt had zero food, hahah so they’re a little low on funds and have been having quite the adventure week with food....
man...things are really looking up—i think that we’re all ready to work hard here and start getting things moving again. sanbon used to be a super strong area but it kinda died the last few years. so hopefully we’re the gang ...the sanbon team that can get things rolling again.
We’re starting an english class in sanbon and hopefullly get a bunch of ppl coming out to that....Elder andersen was in a waaaaaay countryside area before so he said thats where they got pretty much all their investigators and baptisms....ppl coming out to english class then becoming friends and investigators......i’m excited!
HEY CAN SOMEONE FIND OUT WHEN THE NEXT OLYMPICS ARE?? i thought i heard they were going to be in korea?? CAN YOU FIND OUT WHERE AND WHEN? i want to work as a translator!!!! [EDITOR’S NOTE: “The 2018 Winter Olympics, officially known as the XXIII Olympic Winter Games, is a winter multi-sport event scheduled to take place in Pyeongchang, South Korea, between February 9 and 25, 2018.”]

MOM and DAD- you two always write me similar things! haha its like you’ve been married 33yrs or something.....weird. CONGRATS ON THE ANNIVERSARY....thats huge...hahaha i was ready for a change after 33 DAYS with sis J....:) jk..... Thats crazy kurtis is married! and wow dad...how does this change your business? are you taking on a new partner? you could always go in with tanner ^^ that reminds me! i never got to see tan in his ‘blues’ uniform!
TRAV—sushi and kimbab are way different—sushi is raw fish and rice and whatever....kimbab is just rice and whatever veggies/things you want to roll up in it. ‘kim’ is seaweed, and ‘bab’ is rice. so its just a rice and seaweed roll-up... kimbab is the korean equivalent of pb&j.....sushi is expensive, fancy food.
----i’m really starting to see what you were saying abt long-term investments with ppl. I know its been different for me since its my greenie are and i can’t hardly communicate...but elder andersen was in his last area for like half his mission and he’s always talking about some member or investigator who is his best friend and how all those ppl down there are his family. it just really motivates me to build those kind of connections here because thats what will be left of my mission in a few years from now. those ppl that still remember me and care abt me because i cared about them.
CHY—the reception looks awesome!! you look beautiful and everyone looks way good in their suspenders :) super classy :) haha rexburg always is a struggle to get a job...i thought you were working at the reading center? thanks so much for the pics...its about as much of the wedding as i’ve seen so far!! are you keeping up on your spanish?? i REALLY want to be good enough with korean that i can get a good job using it so i don’t lose it. i don’t want to have done all this suffering for nothing!!!
JEFF—its so good to hear abt all the missionary stuff going on in the area! you really will be so much more prepared than me!!! 수고하새요!!
JAX— YOU’RE HUGE!!!!! when did you get that tall??/ seriously....it will be like the RM...go up and give you a hug...”little jo??” hahahaha oh yeah...theres this movie here that is huge...its got chris evans in it with a famous korea guy and i think the director is korean...do you know anything about it? i think its sci-fi...maybe in the future ....something to do with a train...the posters are EVERYWHERE!!
SHAWN: HAHAH ben has got his priorities straight!!! he knows that i need the most prayers thats why i was the first one out of his mouth. hah you raised him right!!!
this letter is HUGGGGGE!!!!
1. My new comp! (i’ll send more pics next week!)
2. I tried on sister Jeong’s hanbok (traditional korean dress/costume...) i couldn’t fit my shoulders into her teeny tiny dress....
3. One of the ladies we teach plays the clarinet!
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