We threw a 4th of july party for our english class.....we had hotdogs and pasta salad and SMORES.....we hauled a little portable gas stove and found marshmallows. Wouldn’t ya know though, the koreans could hardly eat more than one because ‘they’re too sweet’! haha. we expected that.... We took the leftovers home and me and sister gooch had a little fire in our apt on the floor and made smores with just us....and sang america songs.
Last night we went to our new members house to do a lesson....she made us the most delicious food and we were so busy eating and enjoying we didn’t leave until 9:30! haha whoops, but the bus ride home was super fun at night trying to get home before 10:30 so we wouldn’t have to call president.
We also had president interviews this week. He came to our house this time...he went and checked all of the missionaries’ houses. Me and sister Gooch have been building a zoo on our walll. We learned how to make seals and flamingos and parrots....so we built them a habitat on the wall and fold paper animals whenever we’re having a looong comp study or anything....
Our investigator Choi So Weon hasn’t been able to meet in like 3weeks. she’s hoping that her work schedule will change here soon so that she can meet us again and start coming to church. The branch president had us make a schedule to get all the members signed up to do practice lessons with us.... so we’re meeting at least one member a day to do a 20-30min practice lesson. It’s supposed to give us help with our korean and teaching skills and also strengthen the branch members. We’re see how it goes. it’ll be pretty stressful getting that many lessons ready each week, but it’ll be really good experience for both of us.
anyways...it was a good week and we’re just moving forward with everything here, having a good time!
Sister Washburn
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