We had a really special lesson with our investigator Jeong Ji Yeong. So i guess Catholics believe that after we die, we won’t remember our family....We’ll go to purgatory and pay for our sins, then we’ll just be by ourselves i guess since we don’t know our family.....Well we were reading a piece of Elder Eyring’s talk together and she just stopped short at one point and says....’you really believe in ETERNAL families?.’ We’d talked about it before, but i guess it never really hit her how different that is than just LIVING eternally. The spirit was so so strong as we got to sit there and talk bout Heavenly Father’s plan and how He really wants us to be with our families..how we will know them and love them and be so happy with them just as we are now. I was just glad to finally find something so shockingly different between us and the catholic teachings that she couldn’t ignore it. Something that finally struck a note and really made her reflect on what she’s been taught her whole life. She’s not jumping in the font anytime soon, but for once i really felt like we were making a good difference in her life.
Nothing else exciting happened this week...we got to go to the temple and they still don’t have the new video ㅠㅠ ....i bought a sweater that has tigers on the pockets...thats korea for ya. Don’t worry, though, it’s classy.
Sorry, this week was super boring! haha more next time!!
Sister Washburn

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