Well, its been pretty difficult to have members help with lessons because almost everyone i’ve taught is meeting with us first to study english. So then we always do a gospel lesson/discussion as the second half of the meeting. Most these people would find it weird or uncomfortable to have a random member there all the sudden because we usually go to the investigator’s home.....And then members either can’t or wouldn’t want to be part of the english portion....either they don’t speak well or they don’t want to waste their time listening to english chitchat. So we have a hard time involving members when all of our investigators want to learn english...so then it becomes a matter of getting them to the point where they have REAL gospel interest and not just english.
So this week i got really sick.....fever and cold and the works. So that kinda ruined any of the work we were going to get done....
but BEFORE I got sick....we taught the sisters again.... I got pictures this time. Though they don’t even come close to capturing what its like....
This is just one small part of the view too....
This is looking down one of the big roads in Gangnam. It was snowing and there was thunder and lightning, it was really cool!
this is from the penthouse apt.
sorry there wasn’t much else this week....we were too sick.
This Saturday we have transfer calls! i’m guessing i’ll stay here and either train again or just get another comp. Sis Chestnut will probably move. but who knows...we could both be here another 6wks! We’ll see on saturday!
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